Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Amazon Clod drive is one of the best storage facilities for Kindle owners. As a Kindle owner you have access storage for all your Kindle Content.

It does not matter whether you own Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch or Kindle Keyboard, as long as you have a Kindle you access storage for all your Amazon content.

What is Amazon content?

Amazon content is all content you have purchased from Amazon, which could be books, magazines, movies, games, music name it.

With Amazon Cloud Drive, you enjoy key benefits among them is Free storage of up to 5GB, which means that you have unlimited access to your content from any computer and you are assured that you content will not get lost.

With Amazon Cloud Drive you will be able to:

Upload your content to Amazon Cloud, the uploaded files could be music, books, photos etc and your file are saved securely on line, giving you access wherever you want them.

With Amazon Cloud you have a 5GB Flash Disk that you cannot loose or forget. 5GB storage means that you can store up to 1000 songs, 2000 photos or a 20 minutes HD video.

If you buy anything from Amazon, be it music, videos, books, you save them with Amazon Cloud Drive for retrieval whenever you need them.
With Amazon Cloud Drive, you are not limited to a single location, because you can access your file using any computer.

Besides the 5GB, if you want extra space you can pay something small for the storage and the prices are as follows

For 20 GB, you will pay US$ 20 per annum, 50 GB, you will pay US$ 50, for 100 GB, you will pay US$ 100, for 200 GB you will pay US$ 200, for 500 GB, you will pay US$ 500 and for 1000 GB, you will pay US$ 1000. This works to US$ 1 per GB per year. The Amazon Cloud Drive paid storage; you will get unlimited music storage.



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